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Sometimes, people who abuse drugs aren't aware they have a problem. This assessment is for people who regularly use drugs and wonder if they have issues with abuse or addiction.

The Healthy ChildSee All in The Healthy ChildShow Blurbs
A child's growth not only involves the length and weight of his or her body, but also internal growth and development. ...more
Parents need to realize the rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until they are 25 years old or so. ...more
Children go through distinct stages of play as they grow. Each stage is critically important to the development of the next. ...more
Read on for helpful suggestions for activities and toys for your baby, according to their age. ...more
Cognitive development means the growth of a child's ability to think and reason. This growth happens differently from ages 6 to 12, and ages 12 to 18. ...more
Research shows that reading regularly to young children, especially those between ages 6 months and 5 years, is central to their overall growth and development. ...more
Physical DevelopmentNutrition and EatingDental CareHearing, Speech, and LanguageVision CareSports Safety and InjuriesActivities and ExerciseAbout SleepSafety and Injury Prevention
Children and HealthcareSee All in Children and HealthcareShow Blurbs
An abrasion is a superficial rub or wearing off of the skin, usually caused by a scrape or a brush burn. Abrasions are usually minor injuries that can be treated at home. ...more
Detailed information on blisters, including cause, first aid, and treatment....more
Children are more likely to end up with a cut or scrape on the head or face. One reason is that children's sense of balance isn't completely adjusted....more
Most minor cuts or wounds to the face can be handled at home with simple first aid treatment. But there are also times when these injuries need medical care. Here's what you need to know. ...more
Children should wear protective eyewear during sports and recreational activities. In the classroom, they should wear eye protection when doing lab experiments. ...more
A corneal abrasion is a scratch on the cornea. This is the clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of the eye. Learn details about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. ...more
Childhood Injuries, Poisons, and BurnsDisease PreventionWhen Your Child Is SickWhen Your Child Has SurgeryChildhood IllnessesMedications
Emotions and BehaviorSee All in Emotions and BehaviorShow Blurbs
Each child is different, but most children need to be given clear rules about behavior. Read on for some discipline tips by age group. ...more
The teen years bring a focus on social interactions and friendships. This includes same-gender friends, same-gender groups of friends, and cross-gender groups of friends. In addition, sexual maturity triggers teens' interest in dating and sexual relationships. ...more
Lying and stealing are common, but inappropriate, behaviors in school-aged children. Most of the time these behaviors will be outgrown. Here's what you should know. ...more
Time-out is a type of discipline that is used to stop bad behavior in a child. It takes the child out of the situation and gives them time to calm down. ...more
Temper tantrums are a normal part of childhood development. They often happen only with a parent. They are a way for the child to communicate their feelings. Read on to learn more. ...more
Mood DisordersAnxiety DisordersEating DisordersDevelopmental DisordersMental Health Evaluation
Age-Specific ConcernsSee All in Age-Specific ConcernsShow Blurbs
Young children often suck on their thumbs. It's perfectly normal. But some parents worry about it. ...more
With childhood obesity on the rise, should parents worry about the weight of their babies? ...more
Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland doesn't make enough thyroid hormone. The condition is more common in adults. But it’s the most common thyroid disorder in children. Not enough thyroid hormone leads to signs, such as slow growth, lack of activity, and poor performance in school. ...more
Graves disease is an autoimmune disease. With this disease, antibodies cause the thyroid gland to make too much thyroid hormone. This is known as hyperthyroidism. Excess thyroid hormone in the bloodstream leads to the body's metabolism being too active. It can cause problems such as weight loss, nervousness, fast heartbeat, tiredness, and other issues. It’s an ongoing (chronic) condition that needs lifelong treatment. ...more
A closer look at the structure of the breast....more
Breast development happens in certain stages during a woman's life: first before birth, and again at puberty and later during the childbearing years. Changes also happen to the breasts during menstruation and when a woman reaches menopause. ...more
Infants and ToddlersPre-Schoolers and School-Age Adolescents and Teens
ParentingSee All in ParentingShow Blurbs
Each child is different, but most children need to be given clear rules about behavior. Read on for some discipline tips by age group. ...more
Few parents-to-be receive training for the much more challenging and long-term tasks--becoming good parents and remaining close and loving partners in the face of new stresses and strains as their family grows. ...more
Many children watch too much digital media, which includes TV, the internet, and smart devices. Learn why too much screen time is not good for kids--and how to set limits and establish good viewing habits. ...more
Anger, fear, separation anxiety, a sense of abandonment, self-blame, sadness, and embarrassment are common reactions to divorce for most children. ...more
Learning about grief and how it affects your family can help you get through the difficult times together. It may even help your family grow stronger. ...more
While getting angry from time to time is inevitable, the way you express it isn't. Control your anger in a way that's better for both you and the people around you. ...more
Advice for ParentsChildren and the MediaChildren and Difficult TimesFamily MattersJust for Grandparents
Interactive ToolsSee All in Interactive ToolsShow Blurbs
BMI, or body mass index, uses weight and height to calculate weight status for adults. BMI for children and teens also takes into account gender and age because healthy body fatness differs between boys and girls and changes as they grow. This BMI calculator will help you determine if your child is at a healthy weight....more
Learn about acne with this multiple-choice quiz. You'll learn, for example, which factors promote blackheads....more
Answer this one: When riding in a motor vehicle, how tall should a child be to sit in a regular seat and use an adult seat belt instead of a being strapped into a car safety seat or booster seat?...more
NewslettersSee All in NewslettersShow Blurbs
Pools and lakes are wonderful spots for making happy family memories. But they can also be risky environments, especially for children. Yet drowning is a preventable tragedy. One way to help kids stay safe around the water is by signing them up for swim lessons. Here’s what to know....more
Talking about reproductive health with kids can be uncomfortable. For you and for them. But it’s important to do. Here’s a guide to help you through it....more
Chronic diseases are long-lasting health conditions that require ongoing care. You might think that such diseases are only an issue for adults. But 2 in 5 school-aged kids are affected, too. Here are answers to common questions about reducing your child’s risk of developing many chronic diseases....more
What can you feed your sprouts so that they grow up healthy and strong? Consider a plant-based diet....more
Lullabies hold meaning in their melodies. They’re signals, sent from parent or caregiver to child, letting the infant know they’re attended to and protected. ...more
You can help guide your child toward better mental health. Use these strategies to give them the support they need....more
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